Saturday, November 18, 2017

This week I continued reading Escape From Asylum. I found myself staying up for hours every night because I couldn't put the book down! I often found myself being right where Ricky was at!
Ricky thought he was unnoticed in the asylum until the warden approached him and told him he was different than the other patients and he wanted to give him more privileges than the other patients. Ricky felt like the warden had something up his sleeve and he knew he wasn't crazy like the other patients, but the people who worked in the asylum tried to convince him and trick him into thinking that he was crazy and needed to be in the asylum.
I felt Ricky's frustration when he was being persuaded that he was crazy when he knew he wasn't. In the book, one of the nurses warned Ricky about the warden being a monster and butcher and the next day she said to Ricky, "Rick... I have no idea what you're going on about." Rick became flustered and irritated with the warden and nurses. I can't wait to read more to find out what happens to Ricky!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

This week I started reading Escape From Asylum. I was easily pulled in when I started reading the first chapter. I felt the emotions that the little boy in the story was feeling. I felt like I was in the book going through what the boy was going through.
In this book, a young boy named Rick is sent to an asylum by his mother and her boyfriend. Rick is a problematic child and his mother has tried everything to get him to behave and nothing has worked. When Rick arrives at the asylum he is scared and wants to go home to his mom. He begs the guards to let him call his mom, but they don't allow it.
I can't wait to continue reading and see what happens to Rick. Any reader can easily tell how scared Rick is being at the asylum by the descriptions in the book. For example, in the book, it says "It was hard to sound anything but terrified when he was being hauled into a cell in a place he didn't know." Rick was clearly terrified and the descriptions and pictures in the book made it so much easier to picture exactly where he was and what it looked like!

Sunday, October 29, 2017

This week I continued reading Missing by Kelley Armstrong. As I continued to read it became harder and harder to put the book down. The suspense just built and built. The author used so many descriptive words to make it easier to visualize scenes in the book. For example, Winter Crane said, "and I have this bizarre urge to kiss those lips and see him wake, like Sleeping Beauty."
In this weeks reading Winter went out into the woods to hunt and tried to steer clear of the wild dogs in the woods. She noticed that the wild dogs were surrounding a tree in the woods because a man was dangling in the branches of the tree unconscious. Winter shot arrows from her bow deep into the woods so the dogs would go after them and she could help the man in the branches. When she finally got him out of the tree and into her cabin he woke up and repeatedly said, "You have to leave. He is going to come back."
This is a fabulous book and it definitely has me hooked. I would recommend this book to young adults. It is so easy to fall into the book and to picture yourself where the characters are.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

This week I started the book Missing. I am only a chapter in the book and it is so full of suspense already. This book was written for young adults and it keeps the heart racing and mind wondering what is going to happen next. This book is filled with great descriptions and it is so easy to imagine yourself being where the girl is in the story.
The book starts with Winter Crane describing how her hometown Reeve's End is a terrible place to live and everyone there is poor. Winter found an Air Jordan shoe in the woods and said: "That shoe also means he's not from Reeve's End," because it was a three hundred dollar shoe. Once people leave Reeve's End, they don't come back. Winter lives on her own in a shack in the woods with no electricity. Her mother died when she was seven, her sister left Reeve's End and has never returned, and her father thinks she is a burden so she stays away from him.
Winter Crane seems to be very alone in this world. My heart goes out to her already and I have only read the first chapter of the book! I can't wait to keep reading and see what happens to Winter and if she ever makes it out of Reeve's End.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

I finished the book "Before I Fall" this week. This was an attention grabber for sure. It was so hard for me to put this book down. Just as I thought I was done reading for the night something interesting would happen and I'd get pulled right back in. This book isn't necessarily geared towards children, but more so young adults.  This book made me feel all sorts of ways. I felt like I was Samantha, like I was living through her and feeling everything she felt. When she was scared, I felt pretty anxious and on edge. When she was mad, I also felt upset as well.

Samantha lives the perfect life, gets everything she wants, and has the perfect boyfriend. Samantha and her friends go to a party and bully a girl from their school named Juliet at the party and on their way home from the party they get in an accident and it causes Samantha to live the same day over and over again. Samantha can't stand living this day over and over because she has hurt someone and can see she has done so. It's like a nightmare she can't escape from and she has to unsolve the mystery of what is going on and how to stop her day from replaying.

Samantha says in the book, "I'm not in trouble. It's not about me. I have to help someone." She wants to fix what she's done and how people have made Juliet feel. I think that says a lot about Samantha as a person. She was my favorite character in the book. She wanted to make right by everyone. This book was a great read. I definitely recommend it!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

This week I started reading the book Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver. I am only a chapter in, but I am already in love with the book. Reading this book takes me back to my teenage years. I remember students that went to my school acting the same way that the girls in my book act. 
 The book starts with Sam and her friends going to school and doing what they want, to who they want because they are the "popular girls". "So now I have first pick of everything. So what. That's the way it is,"  this is a direct quote from the book to demonstrate the way Sam thinks.  Sam and her friends are mean girls and aren't very accepting of the "freaks/psychos" or underclassmen. Sam and her friends go to a party at a "freak's" house and one of the girls that Sam and her friends bully, stands up to them. The girl calls Sam and her friends a bitch one by one and Sam and her friends start to call the girl a psycho and pour alcohol all over her. 
I stopped reading at such an interesting part of the book and I can't wait to open the book back up and start reading more. I want to figure out if Sam and her friends ever come to a realization that the way they are acting towards people is wrong. The way that Sam and her friends treat the people who are "unpopular" infuriates me. 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

This week I read another Stink book by Megan McDonald. These books give me a small break from reality and let me get lost in the mind of a child again. What would you do if you thought your town had real-life zombies walking around in it?

In this weeks reading, Stink and his friend just couldn't wait for a series of zombie books to be released at the zombie walk at the end of the week. While they patiently waited for the series to be released they made many, many zombie costumes. Stink and his friend were aso enthused about zombies. Stink's interest in zombies was adorable to me. I miss being a child and being so happy and intrigued by the smallest things like stink was with the zombies.

I absolutely adore the Stink books and I think they are a great escape from reality and as a plus, they are super cute children's books. The illustrations in this small chapter book gave me a real feel for the town in which the zombie walk took place. The descriptions in the book gave this read a spooky feel and kept the read intriguing.

This week I continued reading Escape From Asylum . I found myself staying up for hours every night because I couldn't put the book do...