Sunday, November 12, 2017

This week I started reading Escape From Asylum. I was easily pulled in when I started reading the first chapter. I felt the emotions that the little boy in the story was feeling. I felt like I was in the book going through what the boy was going through.
In this book, a young boy named Rick is sent to an asylum by his mother and her boyfriend. Rick is a problematic child and his mother has tried everything to get him to behave and nothing has worked. When Rick arrives at the asylum he is scared and wants to go home to his mom. He begs the guards to let him call his mom, but they don't allow it.
I can't wait to continue reading and see what happens to Rick. Any reader can easily tell how scared Rick is being at the asylum by the descriptions in the book. For example, in the book, it says "It was hard to sound anything but terrified when he was being hauled into a cell in a place he didn't know." Rick was clearly terrified and the descriptions and pictures in the book made it so much easier to picture exactly where he was and what it looked like!

1 comment:

  1. Your post has made me interested in this book! Lately, I have been fascinated with creepy things and asylums are creepy to me. I wonder what Rick is going to experience, I might just have to read this one over break!


This week I continued reading Escape From Asylum . I found myself staying up for hours every night because I couldn't put the book do...