Tuesday, October 3, 2017

I finished the book "Before I Fall" this week. This was an attention grabber for sure. It was so hard for me to put this book down. Just as I thought I was done reading for the night something interesting would happen and I'd get pulled right back in. This book isn't necessarily geared towards children, but more so young adults.  This book made me feel all sorts of ways. I felt like I was Samantha, like I was living through her and feeling everything she felt. When she was scared, I felt pretty anxious and on edge. When she was mad, I also felt upset as well.

Samantha lives the perfect life, gets everything she wants, and has the perfect boyfriend. Samantha and her friends go to a party and bully a girl from their school named Juliet at the party and on their way home from the party they get in an accident and it causes Samantha to live the same day over and over again. Samantha can't stand living this day over and over because she has hurt someone and can see she has done so. It's like a nightmare she can't escape from and she has to unsolve the mystery of what is going on and how to stop her day from replaying.

Samantha says in the book, "I'm not in trouble. It's not about me. I have to help someone." She wants to fix what she's done and how people have made Juliet feel. I think that says a lot about Samantha as a person. She was my favorite character in the book. She wanted to make right by everyone. This book was a great read. I definitely recommend it!


  1. It must have been a great book to have you feeling the same emotions, I know when I get really into a book I feel the same way. I cannot imagine living the same day over and over so I am sure this book really gets interesting to see how she would change simple things she does. Definitely looks like a book I am going to need to pick up!

  2. Hi Taylor!
    I love books that make you feel the emotion the character is going through. This sounds like a good book for junior high kids! It can remind them to treat your peers how you would want to be treated and not to bully. It sounds interesting, I might have to read it. Thanks for the recommendation!


This week I continued reading Escape From Asylum . I found myself staying up for hours every night because I couldn't put the book do...