Tuesday, September 26, 2017

This week I started reading the book Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver. I am only a chapter in, but I am already in love with the book. Reading this book takes me back to my teenage years. I remember students that went to my school acting the same way that the girls in my book act. 
 The book starts with Sam and her friends going to school and doing what they want, to who they want because they are the "popular girls". "So now I have first pick of everything. So what. That's the way it is,"  this is a direct quote from the book to demonstrate the way Sam thinks.  Sam and her friends are mean girls and aren't very accepting of the "freaks/psychos" or underclassmen. Sam and her friends go to a party at a "freak's" house and one of the girls that Sam and her friends bully, stands up to them. The girl calls Sam and her friends a bitch one by one and Sam and her friends start to call the girl a psycho and pour alcohol all over her. 
I stopped reading at such an interesting part of the book and I can't wait to open the book back up and start reading more. I want to figure out if Sam and her friends ever come to a realization that the way they are acting towards people is wrong. The way that Sam and her friends treat the people who are "unpopular" infuriates me. 


  1. I loved this book as well. The first time I read it was in 7th grade! I am so glad they made it into a movie! Although the movie wasn't exactly the same as the book I was still impressed by it. I think that in some way or another young teenage girls can relate to this book in more ways than one. I hope you get to finish reading it and watch the movie as well!

  2. I have not read this book yet but it looks so interesting! I agree in my school we acted the same way there were the "popular" kids and then everyone else. This looks like a book a lot of people could actually relate to. I hope you finish it and like it!


This week I continued reading Escape From Asylum . I found myself staying up for hours every night because I couldn't put the book do...