Tuesday, September 26, 2017

This week I started reading the book Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver. I am only a chapter in, but I am already in love with the book. Reading this book takes me back to my teenage years. I remember students that went to my school acting the same way that the girls in my book act. 
 The book starts with Sam and her friends going to school and doing what they want, to who they want because they are the "popular girls". "So now I have first pick of everything. So what. That's the way it is,"  this is a direct quote from the book to demonstrate the way Sam thinks.  Sam and her friends are mean girls and aren't very accepting of the "freaks/psychos" or underclassmen. Sam and her friends go to a party at a "freak's" house and one of the girls that Sam and her friends bully, stands up to them. The girl calls Sam and her friends a bitch one by one and Sam and her friends start to call the girl a psycho and pour alcohol all over her. 
I stopped reading at such an interesting part of the book and I can't wait to open the book back up and start reading more. I want to figure out if Sam and her friends ever come to a realization that the way they are acting towards people is wrong. The way that Sam and her friends treat the people who are "unpopular" infuriates me. 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

This week I read another Stink book by Megan McDonald. These books give me a small break from reality and let me get lost in the mind of a child again. What would you do if you thought your town had real-life zombies walking around in it?

In this weeks reading, Stink and his friend just couldn't wait for a series of zombie books to be released at the zombie walk at the end of the week. While they patiently waited for the series to be released they made many, many zombie costumes. Stink and his friend were aso enthused about zombies. Stink's interest in zombies was adorable to me. I miss being a child and being so happy and intrigued by the smallest things like stink was with the zombies.

I absolutely adore the Stink books and I think they are a great escape from reality and as a plus, they are super cute children's books. The illustrations in this small chapter book gave me a real feel for the town in which the zombie walk took place. The descriptions in the book gave this read a spooky feel and kept the read intriguing.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The book I just finished reading was Stink, The Incredible Shrinking Kid. It was such a silly, simple book, but I enjoyed every page of it. Picking up a children's' book to read took me back to the joys of reading as a child. Stink is a three foot, eight-inch boy every day, no matter how hard he tries to grow. As a matter of fact, Stink actually notices he has shrunk a quarter inch one night as he is measured before bed. How is that possible?

Stink is a very motivated little boy who stays on track and does things the way he is supposed to do them. Stink is made fun of every single day by his older sister Judy Moody for being short. Stink often gets upset that he is the shortest one in his family and one of the shortest ones at his school. Stink and Judy remind me of my brother and I when we were young children. I was always so much taller than my brother was and I frequently made fun of him for being short.

The visuals in this book were very child-friendly, off the wall, and fun. This book brought joy to me while I was reading it and made me reminisce on being a child. I wish the author would have included a little more to the book. I think it is important to know if Stink ever grows or not!

 This book had short chapters and tons of visuals, so it was very easy to keep the attention of the reader!

This week I continued reading Escape From Asylum . I found myself staying up for hours every night because I couldn't put the book do...